Adventures in Grocery Shopping

I was enjoying a bright sunny summer afternoon drive to the grocery store when I noticed a man holding up a sign asking for money, food, or anything to help him. He looked pretty weathered and sad and had a shaggy old dog with him. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have to stand on the busy street corner and ask for food from strangers. It wasn't exaclty commonplace for this area. I decided to pick up a few extra things at the store to help him out. I put a few cans of beans, soup, beef jerky, a box of granola bars, and some dog treats in a bag. I drove up next to the man and waved him over to my window, rolled it down and passed him the bag. The look in his eyes said it all as he stuttered "Oh, God bless you Ma'am." smiled, sat down, and took out something out to share with his beloved dog.

From Minnesota

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